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Madeira - new fishing location in Fishing Clash

Madeira – a Land of Eternal Spring, and an Angler’s Paradise

Published: January 26, 2024

Embark on a virtual fishing adventure in Fishing Clash, exploring the stunning and challenging waters of 🌊 Madeira, teeming with diverse fish like the mighty Blue Marlin and Sharks!

Currently, the Fishing Clash game allows angling enthusiasts to visit nearly 50 locations from around the world. From the comfort of their homes, gamers are able to enjoy beautiful spots such as the peaceful Kenai River, the otherworldly Lyngen Fjord, and the chillingly stunning Yosemite, as well as novel locations like the Lost World, where one is able not only to behold ancient aquatic creatures, but also tackle them in various in-game competitions.

The design goal in Fishing Clash was always enjoyment, but since we’re also able to show off some of the world’s most stunning places, why not? Our world is filled with breathtaking beauty, and sometimes we all need a small reminder of just that in the middle of our busy lives! After all, our ancient human ancestors were no strangers to beauty or fishing, which contributed (at least in part!) to the shaping of our modern world. Beholding these fishing spots, and reading about the variety of species they’re home to, are forms of appreciation and recognition of the path humanity has walked thus far.

Now, speaking of beauty, paths ahead, and continuing the topic of fishing! The Fishing Clash team has prepared something for our anglers to marvel at. Welcome to the gorgeous archipelago of Madeira!

Madeira - new fishing location in Fishing Clash
Visit Madeira – a new fishing location in Fishing Clash!

The clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the lush green mountain slopes (which are, in fact, remnants of an inactive volcano!), and the cascading waterfalls that bind them together: was there ever a more unmistakable fusion of earth and water? Yet, these charming waters hold formidable challenges for even the most experienced anglers – both in the game of Fishing Clash and on the real-life island of Madeira!

Madeira – belongs to all

Speaking of the actual Madeira, the Madeira Promotion Bureau has a lovely motto that states, “Madeira. Belongs to all” – and this seems very true, not just in terms of welcoming visitors to their island, but also in reference to its environmental aspect. The island is often called a place of eternal spring. This is due to its unique geographical location and the fact that Madeira’s mild and subtropical climate makes it a welcoming place for the vast ecosystem of plants and animal species that inhabit the island. For us, folks in the game of fishing, this is particularly true when it comes to the waters flowing through and around the island.

Madeira itself is an island, sure, but that very patch of land is the tip of a colossal shield volcano stemming from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean. That’s around 6 km (or 20,000 ft) of a dormant volcano structure just casually sprouting from the ocean’s seabed, which is mind-boggling in and of itself! Not to mention, the sea floor simply plummets not far from the coastal line of Madeira, allowing dark-dwelling sea creatures to inhabit the so-called bathymetric zone, a part of the ocean far below its surface. This largely unexplored underwater region is home to the Black Scabbard, often sold in Funchal’s (the island’s capital city’s) market, and considered a great delicacy.

A treasure trove for anglers

Heading outside the midnight zone located deep underwater, the ocean surrounding Madeira is additionally a crossroad for the migrational routes of various sport fish, which makes these waters a treasure trove for any fishing enthusiast. Marlin, Trout, Sea Bream, Grouper, Mackerel, and Gilt-Head Bream are just a few of the fish species located in the waters surrounding the archipelago. The first one mentioned here, the Marlin (or more specifically, the Blue Marlin) appears at Madeira’s southern shores. Its fishing season starts in May and lasts until October. Madeira’s waters boast some of the biggest Blue Marlin around the globe, and this is backed up by the fact it has won the Blue Marlin World Cup Championship five times now! If we have any ambitious anglers on deck, willing to take up the challenge with a team to fish one out, the Blue Marlin World Cup is being held for eight hours in various time zones on July 4. There’s still time to prepare! Otherwise, let’s get back into our fishing world for the final stretch of our Madeira-related read!

An exciting encounter!

The final fish species we wish to mention in the advent of Fishing Clash’s new location proves rather final indeed, for many. Not only fish, but some humans as well! Sound a bit concerning? It should, as these predators have a vicious track record. Hopefully, none of our readers have even the slightest form of galeophobia, as next, we’re (very cautiously!) touching upon the subject of Sharks! By the way, galeophobia is a fancy medical term for the fear of Sharks. We learn something new every day, right?

Although the waters surrounding Madeira are largely safe from human-shark encounters, and no attacks have been recorded as of the time of penning this article, these aquatic killing machines are most definitely present in the Atlantic Ocean and the waters around Madeira. There are several reports of shark sightings close to the island’s shores while people were swimming or surfing! Imagine seeing a shark whilst enjoying water sports! However, if the thought of seeing a real-life shark is something that interests you, any adrenaline seekers out there can dive with sharks in Madeira – following the proper guidance and precautions, of course. Just… ’don’t try this on your own, should you decide to take a trip to the Portuguese archipelago!

Look out! I’m reeling in a shark!

Since, in Fishing Clash, we’re catching whoppers from the safety of our homes (more precisely and often: our couches!), we decided to spice things up in the fishery of Madeira and add a shark or two to the mix. Okay, maybe a few more than just two! What can we say – fishing sharks is extremely satisfying! The design team did a truly remarkable job with this location, not only in terms of spookifying the waters with sharks, but also in capturing the stunning essence of Madeira itself. The waters are crystal clear, the mountains verdant and brimming with vegetation, and here and there, it’s possible to spot some adventurers exploring the island, not just from the island’s surface. A sight not only to behold, but to experience first-hand in the game!

Speaking of experiences, some are just indescribable, even for this wordy author, so it’s best to open up Fishing Clash right now and see Madeira for yourself! If you’re new to our fishing adventure, it won’t take long for you to find the island of Madeira, and before that, enjoy your fishing time to the fullest and feast your eyes on the charms that each fishery has to offer!

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