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Santa Claus fishing

The Secret Hobby of Santa Claus

Published: January 26, 2024

🎅 Discover Santa’s Secret Hobby!

Disclaimer: this article should be taken with a snowflake-shaped grain of salt due to being both highly speculative, and as accurate as Santa Claus and his occupation is: so definitely, absolutely, and undoubtedly true.

We all know the legendary figure of Santa Claus. Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Saint Nick, Kris Kringle, just Santa, or “wait, isn’t that Uncle Bob in disguise?!” – he goes by many names, and has one job, and one job only: bringing joy to the world. Now, we (as in: grown-ups) may debate whether his methods of bringing that about are responsible, since the man attempts to jam in all that work into one night, and we’ve all been there at one point or another. Yet, all of us enjoy seeing a smile on our children’s faces, and that is the point of the jolly man’s existence.

We strive to make our children’s lives as fulfilling and magical as they can be, so we devise many ways of assisting Mr. Santa in his grand undertaking. Yet, nobody ever takes a second to think about Santa Claus once the holiday season ends. That is about to change. Join me on a journey to discover… The Secret Hobby of Santa Claus!

What does Santa do when he’s not delivering presents?

The question may have been pondered many times in pop culture, but let’s be honest: it’s all guesswork created to sell us more Christmas. To put more days into the HoliDAYS, to enshroud us with additional cheer and awaken the joyful spirit within. By no means a harmful agenda, but we, the people in the fishing game – folks not only enjoying fishing competitions, but also the angler’s solitude and the respite it brings – we know what’s what. We know that Santa’s a smart guy who has it all automated by now. Elves create toys, the magical reindeer most likely don’t need food at all, just a place to run around to keep in shape, and that’s about it. Several minutes of work per day, at best. Some probably wonder about the nice/naughty list thing, but I’m pretty sure Father Christmas has that on a computer by now and just prints out the list minutes before he leaves the North Pole for work. Again, he’s a jolly person, and finding ways to make his life easier is definitely one of the reasons for that state of being.

What about Mrs. Claus?

Reliable sources from a superficial web search indicate that Mr. Claus just tries Mrs. Claus’s recipes all year long. Really? I guess that would explain his merry physique, but that just cannot be true. Mr. and Mrs. Claus surely need some time off. Not only from cooking and eating all year round, but additionally from each other. That’s a healthy recipe for a well-functioning marriage. This brings us to the unexpected conclusion that…

Santa Claus loves fishing!

Yes, he does. And this author has a lot of made-up evidence to back it up! So, the story behind this conclusion goes like this: Santa Claus was so bored with the day-to-day work of maintaining his toy production, elf management, reindeer training, and eating Mrs. Claus’s food, that he decided to go on a walk. A merry walk across the freezing North Pole? Sure, why not? There, he met a group of scientists doing some super-important research that nobody would ever hear about. They enjoyed a nice conversation together, shared a cup of tea, and Santa asked them, seeing as they were freezing their noses off, why they even decided to work in such a remote place. “Science is our passion, sir!” said one of the researchers. None of them even asked what Santa’s passion was, as they all assumed it was his work. But this made the jolly man think. On his way back home, Santa decided to unwrap a present prepared for someone who dreamed of fishing, but could never afford it. He, of course, immediately deployed an elf to replicate that present, then rushed off to the garage where he usually parks his sleigh.

“Where are you off to, honey?” asked Mrs. Claus with curious excitement.
“Clausdia, I’m going fishing!” replied Santa with a jolly, brisk enthusiasm.

Santa Claus fishing
“I’m going fishing!” replied Santa with a jolly, brisk enthusiasm.

Ho-ho-how is he fishing?

Since we’ve just made up, I mean, established, that Santa loves fishing, it’s important to mention that, although he can and does use magic to get to his favorite fishing spots, he never uses it to fish. No. Santa definitely casts his rod and waits for the fish to bite, just like the rest of us. Santa is a man of tradition and etiquette; he has a great respect for the hobby and the process as a whole. Sometimes he brings an elf or two to join him, however, not all that often, since elves are a talkative bunch. To Santa, fishing is like meditation: he does it casually and wholeheartedly, and it allows him to be composed, focused, and determined to bring further joy to the world. With fishing, Santa Claus has finally found the perfect balance in life, a harmony that allows him to continue his life’s work with pleasure. Wait, did Santa invent the very concept of work-life balance? I’ll have to ask him the next time I send out a letter to the North Pole!

Yet, the question remains: does Mr. Claus play Fishing Clash, like the rest of us? Probably! After all, once you’re hooked on fishing, you’re hooked for good! We should all follow the example set by that jolly man of legend, and be passionate not only about our work, but about the leisure time we spend recharging. Thank you, Santa Claus, for yet another lesson on living life to the fullest!

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