Casting excitement at St. Lawrence River alongside Major League Fishing!
Few collaborations fit together so excellently as the one between Fishing Clash and Major League Fishing does. Since the final stage, Stage Seven, of the 2024 Major League Fishing Pro Bass Tour is upon us, we’ve got some exciting news to share with our Anglers and outdoor fishing enthusiasts alike. As the Major League Fishing’s Pro Bass Tour is reaching its conclusion at the beautiful St. Lawrence River, Anglers in Fishing Clash are also joining the competitions in the virtual river of St. Lawrence! In this article, we’ll reveal some new additions to the game, and we’ll be cheering for all admirers of our shared fishing passion, both those enjoying themselves in the virtual realm and the great outdoors!

The St. Lawrence River, a vital waterway connecting the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, plays a crucial role in North America’s environmental, economic, and cultural landscape. Its clear waters and diverse ecosystems offer rich fishing grounds, particularly for smallmouth bass, making it an attractive destination for competitive fishing events. The river’s significance is highlighted by its selection as the venue for Major League Fishing’s (MLF) Pro Bass Tour Stage Seven event in 2024. This event not only showcases the river’s natural beauty and fishing potential but also integrates the excitement of professional angling with broader environmental and economic considerations, attracting both local spectators and a global audience through MLF’s comprehensive media coverage. This connection emphasizes the river’s enduring importance as both a natural resource and a cultural icon in the fishing community.
The virtual Anglers in Fishing Clash will also get a taste of the excitement the Pro Bass Tour tournament brings by casting their rods into the rich waters of the St. Lawrence River from the comfort of their mobile devices or desktop computers. Alongside releasing this latest fishery, we prepared many exciting in-game events to look forward to! Our desire in the context of the Fishing Clash and Major League Fishing partnership is to bridge the virtual with the physical, so we hope the journey across that bridge will be a memorable one for all making the trip!
Since our new fishery, St. Lawrence River, and its associated in-game activities are directed to Fishing Clash’s most experienced Anglers, we didn’t want to neglect the rest of our community. Where’s the fun if it’s only enjoyed by some? In this spirit, alongside the new fishery and its events, we’re introducing a new Clan-related game mode: the Arena!

The Arena in Fishing Clash attempts to resemble real-life tournament fishing, and due to this is a mode connected to Clan Matches in-game. Clans in Fishing Clash were always something very special, both for our players and ourselves, the game’s creators. After all, there’s nothing like fishing in good company! In the Arena, our Anglers clash with their rival Clans in real-time on an Arena-exclusive fishing spot, where the number of fish is limited and shared by both sides. Gameplay-wise, the Arena is also a bit different from other areas of the game. Here, the fish become tired when reeled in, as indicated by their Health Points. If we don’t reel the fish in time, it returns to the waters and can be snatched by someone else from our Clan or our rivals!
With this new mode, we hope to introduce excitement and rivalry like never before, so if you still happen to fish solo, now is the best time to reconsider and join a Clan! Nothing is better than a sense of community, which greatly enhances what we already love! For further reading about the Arena, we recommend checking this article on the fishingclash.game website, and also this Frequently Asked Question page.
We hope that all fishing enthusiasts, whether in the physical or digital realm, will enjoy their time at the St. Lawrence River alongside the endeavors of Pros doing their best in the finale of Major League Fishing’s Pro Bass Tour! Enjoy yourselves, good luck, and tight lines!